Solve the equation :
Let's say that .
Then (1) becomes:
Example 2
Solve the equation :
Let's say that .
Then (2) becomes:
Example 3
Solve the equation : ( 2x + 3 )( 4x + 3 )( x -1 )( 4x -1 ) = 9 (3)
Let's say that :
then the above equation becomes:
Exercise 1
Solve the equation
The equations
below this point are of the form
and belong to a category of equations
known as inverse equations.
Example 4
Solve the equation:
I observe that ,
since for x = 0 the equation becomes 1=0, which is not true.
I divide the equation (4) with
and we get :
But, according to the known formula we
can conclude the following:
Thus, equation (5) becomes:
Now let's say that .
The above equation becomes:
Exercise 2